This Thing Called Life

Written By Rochelle Lee

Here’s the thing. When we start out as children and you have your teachers asking you “what do you want to do with your life?”, we feel compelled to try and think about what DO I want to do? Some children know what they aspire to be and achieve their life dream. I had “ideas” of what I wanted to be when I grew up but often found myself going back and forth between what I wanted to do, what I thought would be fun to do, and what I thought I should do.

Living with incredible parents with a strong inclination for academics, I decided university was the right way to go. I went on my way and completed 2 degrees, a college diploma and many other things such as coaching certification. My parents are my inspiration, my mentors, my best friends. They taught me the value of hard work and living true to your values. So here’s the catch-living true to your values is not always easy and clean. Living true to your values can be messy and complicated. Getting the credentials that I thought would position be for my forever career was the ‘easy’ part. Living in a culture that challenges you, your credentials and your values is the ‘messy’ part.

BUT…here is what I know. I would rather be messy, complicated and unsure of “what I want to be when I grow up” than do the easy stuff and walk through life wondering what I was doing.

I have been so blessed in my life and have decided I want to continue to messy, complicated and curious even if it means I am still chasing my dream while I figure out what that is.

For now, let’s all live our lives, dream big, and keep wondering what we want to do when we “grow up”.

That my friends is the thing about life.


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